The Covid-19 Action Fund is designed as a bridge to capital for innovators on the frontlines of the pandemic, who are creating solutions for the biggest challenge we have confronted as a nation.
How it Works:
We are accepting entries on a rolling basis: entries will be collected by C.O.B every Wednesday, collated and shared with participating VCs and investors every Friday.
We will circle back with respondents in the following week to share updates / feedback, if any.
We will forego our engagement fee for all entries, and work with you to make your pitch stronger and enable you on your journey to getting capital to fund your solutions.
Notes Before you Start:
This form is designed to be quick - don't aim for perfection. We will help you get there.
Do not wait till you have all you need: you can edit and update your entries.
Be descriptive but specific, and avoid redundant information. Help us make quick decisions that will empower us to help you.
And lastly: thank you!
We are all grateful to you, the innovators,
who will find our path out of this crisis.